
2020年6月 7日 11:03

Keep cards close to chest(手の内を隠す)英会話レッスンのKris先生の英語慣用句 No.2550

英会話レッスンの担当の Kris 先生による英語慣用句習得のための1日1英会話です。 

Keep cards close to chest

Meaning: To keep one's plans, intentions, or tactics secret from everyone else. It comes from a person holding one's playing cards close to one's chest in a card game, so as not to allow other players to see one's hand(the cards they possess).

How to use: Scott is keeping his cards close to his chest. He doesn't want everyone to know he plans on asking Jean out on a date.
手の内を見せない、何かを隠している、という意味で、動詞には hold play も用いられます。
